Sunday, November 28, 2010


That's what's going on inside me right now.

Remember how I moved about 3 months ago? Doing it again this week. Remember how I'm graduating in 3 weeks? Still happening, but I have a hard time imagining all these assignments getting done in time. I needed this break real bad--holy moly, it has been awesome seeing family--but now I have a lot to do and even less time to do it in.

And emotions (and all things that inspire them), you are gonna have to go away for 2.5 weeks. I just don't have time and energy for you right now. Too much going on outside for things on the inside to be all rattled around too.

And dear readers, any blog post that I write between now and December 14 is going to sound like this I imagine. I'm $900 away from being funded for the India trip, and any spiritual encouragement on that subject or any of the aforementioned subjects is not just appreciated, but 100% needed.

I love you. Lots.
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dear Anonymous, Thank you. Love, Cole

I just received an email saying this:

"You received an anonymous donation of $ 1,000.00 today for the mission trip."


Whoa.  I have a hard time taking that in.

BUT WHO IS THIS ANONYMOUS PERSON???  I have so much to tell him/her!  So here's my letter of lamentation and thanks for Mr/Mrs/Sir/Miss Anonymous.

Dear You,

Darn your anonymity!  I want to hug you and cry on your shoulder and thank you profusely!  I want to send you a gift from India!  I can't thank you enough for this.  You have blessed me in a profound way.  Because of your gift, I will be going to India in 2 months, without a doubt.  Yes.  That incredibly generous gift is making sure that I get there and back.  I'm so excited that you are going with me on this trip--whoever you are.  I'm praying for you, because even if I don't know who you are, God does.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Fight or Flight

So life comes with tough stuff.  It's in the manual.

You didn't read the manual?  Dude.  Come on.  Get your game face on and go read the manual.

When the poop nears the spinning blades of the fan, I employ one of two classic modes of survival that the manual suggests.  You're familiar with them, I assure you, even if you haven't read the manual.

I either put on my Rambo costume and prepare to 100% DESTROY that poop...

...or I run away screaming with flailing arms.
So this go-round of tough stuff, I'm employing a little of both.

Fighting and running.

Running and fighting.

And doing both to different things!  That overwhelming amount of school work?  Running.  Laundry?  Fighting.  But on some days, those are totally reversed.  Just depends.

Mama always said it's about picking your battles.  She read the manual.

Monday, November 8, 2010

On a facebook status

This post has the potential to be incredibly long, but I won't do that.  Not tonight.

I just posted an exceedingly optimistic and sunny facebook status.  That is, however, NOT the current status of Cole's existence.  It will be--don't worry.  The pessimistic, cloudy days always pass.  But when they're here, I have a choice: either I status-ize the ickiness, or I status-ize the delightfulness that is certainly on the horizon, but definitely not here yet.

Does the word "status-ize" make anyone else think of jazzercize?

Just checking.

So tonight I chose the Gone With the Wind style of optimism:  tomorrow is another day.

Not because that's how I feel, but because that's how I want to feel.

Not because I see tomorrow as sunny, but because I want it to be sunny.

Because sometimes I operate on sheer will power.  And I'm good with that.

Meanwhile, I feel like a complicated, crumpled, collapsed accordion, and I really need a moment to sit by a body of water to have some quiet time with God.  Not that that's the only place to have quiet time--that's just where we do our best talking.

Friday, November 5, 2010

An Appropriate Post #100: About India

Hello dear one,

When my church announced last summer that they were sending a team to India, I thought, "Certainly I'll pray for them, but I could never actually go to India.” Missionary work had always sounded like something other Christians did. But God started poking my heart. Over the next week or so, at least ten instances happened where my mind again was directed to that mission trip. Though I had never even considered missionary work before, I became overwhelmed with a desire to go share God's love with the lost.

Through prayer and discussion with several trusted Christian leaders, I followed the Holy Spirit's guidance. As I seriously began searching for a mission trip, I contacted a missions organization. Within a few days the framework of a trip began to take shape. It was to take place in India in January 2011, just a month after I graduate (what perfect timing!).  But then, months into planning, we hit a snag and it looked like it was all going to fall apart.  Even in that moment, God was teaching me.  Just a few days after the trip plans fell through, I was informed about a medical mission trip (dental and general health professionals are going to offer their expertise and their hearts for God) that my church is taking to Hyderabad, India—also in January 2011.  I joined the children's ministry team for that trip, and we are now preparing to go serve the Lord.

A small group from Christ Chapel Bible Church will be partnering with N.A.T.I.V.E Ministries to provide medical and dental care to some of the remote villages in India.  I will be working with the children's ministry team, singing and playing with the children.  It has been an amazing experience just to be able to stand in awe of God's handiwork.  Planning this trip has already been a life-sized illustration of Ephesians 4:6, that there is one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

What an incredible gift to be able to do this!   A gift from God, from my church, from the other missionaries I'll meet and work alongside, and from those who will support me through this.  I have no idea where God will lead me after this experience, whether toward extended mission work abroad or toward being a better steward of His gifts here in the US.  I know this gift will be instrumental in whatever comes next, and wherever He leads me will be to His glory, because you and I have been created for God's glory (Isaiah 43:7).

I am writing you with the hope that you will consider being involved in this trip with me by praying for me while on this journey, or by supporting me financially. Your prayers will be vital during my two weeks in India, but also in this preparation time. The cost of the trip will be about $2600, and at the writing of this letter I have raised half of that. I'm asking you to give, not just because I need support, but because God blesses those who join with Him in what He's doing (Matthew 5:1-11). This is a gift for me to discover, but I want you to experience that gift with me. Blessings will be poured out on villagers, doctors, me, and hopefully you as well.  What an incredible opportunity for us to do something beautiful together for the Kingdom!  If, after you've prayed about it, you feel called to financially help me share the love of God with children in India, please make your check payable to Christ Chapel Bible Church. In the memo line, please write: India Mission Trip: Cole Mortimer.  Also, please include a note designating the gift to my name. Checks should be mailed to our CCBC Missions Coordinator:

Danella Hitri
3740 Birchman Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76107

I firmly believe that God has called me to go to India to share the Good News of Christ's love.  I'm nervous about it (this is my first overseas mission trip), but I'm answering the call.   If have any questions/comments/concerns/suggestions, or if you'd like to receive updates from me about this journey (periodically until the trip, more when I'm there), please email me at Praise God for this marvelous opportunity!

In Christ,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Counting down to...

23 days to Thanksgiving
46 days to graduation
53 days to Christmas
72 days to India mission trip
83 days to the date after which I have absolutely no plans (ridiculously scary and brilliantly exciting)

So, if you have any ideas that you'd like to pitch me for something wonderful to do with my life starting in 3 months, I'm all ears :)  Maybe that idea that you have is just what I need to hear!

Between now and then, I'll be taking tests, writing papers, reading articles and text books, doing daily devotions (from a devotional gifted to us India folks--so good), dressing actors backstage, planning a mission trip abroad, snuggling with Anton's kitteh, preparing to graduate (ducks in a row? check.), not stressing out (hah.), blogging a lot, working here and there, loving on my dear friends, family, and charming bf, collecting books to read....

...and watching Heroes.  Have I mentioned that new little addiction?  Season one, episode 15.  I'm a tad obsessed.  I've heard I need to fiercely avoid season 3.  And maybe 2 as well.  I've started to hate the credit music because every episode leaves me with SEVENTEEN CLIFFHANGERS.

Looking back at what I've just written, I'm absolutely overwhelmed by the blessings I've been given.  What an incredible time of life...  Praise God for these beautiful blessings!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Suited Up And Ready For Fun

This is my Halloween costume edition blog post. Get pumped. I was delighted to see the double rainbow guy decked out at my neighbor's party.

Great people emerge at theatre parties. Flo from the Progressive commercials, for example!

And the Old Spice guy! "look at your man, now back at me..."

My buddy Jeffrey was a flippin awesome Batman. Shoutout to my little sis who loves Batman.

A little shocking, but also awesome, theatre parties always see some drag. Yes, these are both men. I'm a little jealous.

There was a group of girls dressed as teen moms on the Maury Show. They were heavily in character all night. I loved it.

Me? I was a netflix envelope.

With WALL-E inside :D

I was pretty proud of that one. Possibly the best one yet.
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